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Content updated: 3/30/2024, 6:28 PM

Sports shift

Luuppi and UDK share a sports shift on Mondays at 19:00. The sports shift takes place at Atalpa, so the sports fee must be paid. There is a Telegram group for information about sports shifts.


SportUni is the sports service for university students. SportUni has centers at the downtown, Kauppi, and Hervanta campuses. At the downtown center, Atala, there are resistance training, ball sports, and group exercise halls. SportUni organizes free group exercise classes and various courses from pole dancing to Taekwon-do. You can explore the offerings on SportUni's Own Page service. A sports fee must be paid to use the services.

You can find SportUni's price list here.

Akateeminen mahti

The sports club of the university community, Akateeminen Mahti (roughly translated as Academic Power) , offers a variety of sports opportunities for Tampere University students.

University leagues

Akateeminen mahti organizes annual futsal and football leagues, in which Luuppi participates if there is enough interest.

Competitive sports support

Luuppi ry supports the competitive sports team made up of Luuppi members. Details should be inquired from the sports officer well in advance.

Something unclear?

If something remains unclear or if you would like more information about Luuppi's sports activities, feel free to contact the Luupi sports representive via email!