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Tradition guidelines

Content updated: 3/30/2024, 9:30 PM

The Tradition Committee of the Association

1 §

Under the auspices of Luuppi ry (the association), operates the Tradition Committee, whose purpose is to assist the board in matters related to the management of the association's finances and honors, as well as to ensure the continuity of the association's activities.

The tasks of the Tradition Committee include:

  • Assisting the association's board with the planning and monitoring of the association's finances and activities as needed.
  • Providing opinions to the association's board on honors granted by the association as specified in §§ 5-12 of these guidelines.
  • Designing the honors granted by the association and overseeing and implementing their distribution.
  • Keeping records of the honors granted by the association.

2 §

The Tradition Committee consists of:

  • Former chairpersons of the association.
  • The chairperson and treasurer from the association's current board.
  • Honorary members.
  • Other members of the association invited by the committee as needed.

3 §

At the beginning of the year, the Tradition Committee selects a chairperson from among its members, whose task is to organize the activities of the Tradition Committee. The Tradition Committee meets at least once a year, and when the association's board sends it matters for consideration or opinion as mentioned in these guidelines.

Honors Granted by the Association

4 §

The association grants honors to its members and external stakeholders. The honors granted to members are divided into four classes in order of precedence: honorary membership, gold and silver lapel pins, and the board lapel pin. In addition, the association may grant the association's table standard to an external individual or stakeholder group.

5 §

Any single member of the association can propose an honor. Once a proposal for an honor has been made, the Tradition Committee provides its own opinion on the proposed honor to the association's board.

6 §

The granting of honorary membership as well as the gold and silver lapel pins is based on a member's selfless work for the association. This can include activities such as actively developing the association's operations, increasing its visibility, or otherwise enhancing the benefit members receive from the association.

7 §

The criteria for granting honors must be specified and archived in the association's board's internal documentation.

Honorary Membership

8 §

In opinions concerning honorary memberships, the Tradition Committee considers factors such as special dedication to the association's activities and development, as well as long-term and particularly meritorious activity in the association. Recommendations from proposers are also considered.

The honorary member receives, in addition to the benefits defined in the association's regulations, the association's honorary medal.

The honorary medal is:

  • Round, 40 mm in diameter, and gold in color.
  • The association's ellipse logo, surrounded by a laurel wreath, is stamped on the front side.
  • The honorary member's name and the year of honorary membership invitation are engraved on the back.
  • The medal hangs from a 30 mm wide ribbon. The ribbon is "pi gray" in color, with a yellow 8 mm thick vertical line in the middle of the ribbon. "Pi gray" is the color of the association and yellow is the color of the field of natural sciences.

The steps related to granting honorary membership are defined in the association's regulations.

Gold Lapel Pin

9 §

A gold lapel pin may be awarded to a member who has exceptionally promoted the association's activities, culture, or objectives. In opinions concerning the gold lapel pin, the Tradition Committee considers exceptional merit and long-term activity in and for the association.

The association's gold lapel pin is:

  • Round, 20 mm in diameter, and antique gold in color.
  • The association's ellipse logo, surrounded by a laurel wreath, is stamped on the front.

The association's gold lapel pin is awarded by a ¾ decision of the association's board.

Silver Lapel Pin

10 §

A silver lapel pin may be awarded to a member who has commendably promoted the association's activities, culture, or objectives. In opinions concerning the silver lapel pin, the Tradition Committee considers active and meritorious activity in the association.

The association's silver lapel pin is identical to the gold lapel pin, but it is antique silver in color.

The association's silver lapel pin is awarded by a majority decision of the association's board.

Board Lapel Pin

11 §

A member elected to the association's board may acquire the association's board lapel pin for themselves. The board lapel pin can be worn during the board year and after.

The association's board lapel pin is:

  • Oval, 15 mm in diameter, and gold in color.
  • The association's ellipse logo is stamped on the front.

Table Standard

12 §

The association may also grant its table standard to an external individual or stakeholder group as a mark of long-term cooperation between the association and the recipient.

The association's table standard is:

  • 100 mm x 180 mm in size, rectangular in shape, with the bottom edge forming a downward-pointing triangle.
  • "Pi gray" in color, with a 25 mm wide yellow vertical stripe in the middle.
  • The association's ellipse logo embroidered in gold thread in the center of the flag.

The association's table standard is granted by a unanimous decision of the association's board.

Association's Subject Association Ribbon

13 §

The association's subject association ribbon is a 30mm wide striped ribbon. The stripes are arranged so that two 11 mm wide "pi gray" stripes (#6d6f71) run along the outer edges, with an 8 mm wide gold stripe (#f7d000) in the middle.

14 §

The association's full members may wear the subject association ribbon at academic celebrations.

15 §

The subject association ribbon is worn from the right shoulder diagonally across the chest to the left, or as a rosette on the left chest. The ribbon does not touch bare skin. If it is an event of Luuppi ry, the ribbon is worn above the ribbons of other student or student organizations.

Carrying the Association's Honorary Medals

16 §

The association's awarded honorary medals are worn at celebrations where academic honors are specified in the dress code. In addition, honorary medals are also worn at the association's own formal parties, such as Christmas parties. The silver lapel pin is not worn if the member has also been awarded the gold lapel pin.

Honorary medals are attached as follows:

  • The honorary medal is worn on the left chest.
  • If the wearer has multiple honorary medals from the association, they are attached in order of precedence from the center to the left so that the most prestigious is on the far left.

The Association's Flag

17 §

The association's flag is used at celebrations and honor events organized by the association, as well as at other events with permission from the association's board. Such events may include the association's annual celebrations and Christmas parties.

18 §

The association's flag honors the head of state, the national anthem, and the deceased by being slowly lowered to a 45-degree angle and then slowly raised after the salute.

19 §

When carried without a cover, the flag is accompanied by a two-member flag guard. Both the flag bearer and the flag guard always wear a student cap.

The Ceremonial Master's Staff

20 §

The association's ceremonial master's staff is used by the person designated as the ceremonial master at the association's celebration events. Such events may include the association's annual celebrations and Christmas parties. The ceremonial master's staff may be loaned for other suitable purposes with permission from the association's board.
