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Content updated: 7/20/2024, 11:43 AM

Let's work together?

Luuppi has deep roots in corporate collaboration, which has been ongoing for over three decades. Among our current partners, you'll find both small and large companies. Forms of corporate collaboration include various events, visibility, advertising, and sponsorship.

Starting prices for collaboration packages:

  • Basic package 1000€
  • Corporate excursion / other event 500€
  • Christmas party sponsorship 400€
  • Recruitment sauna 550€
  • Overall ad on overalls 550-1200€
  • Individual message on Luuppi's communication channels 250€

Basic package

All our collaboration forms start with the basic package. This package includes communication and visibility to our members. You'll have access to our email lists and social media channels, where you can send job postings or other relevant announcements to our members. On our website, you'll get your logo and can add a short description of your company. Our partners can also write articles for LuuppiSanomat, which serves as the association's electronic magazine.

Corporate excursion / other event

The absolute favorite of our partners is organizing corporate visits or excursions. This is the best and easiest way to get to know the future workforce. We handle bringing interested members from our association and help brainstorm and organize the visit. Our members are interested in various types of visits, from regular sauna gatherings to active events, so there's a crowd for various types of visits. Other formats of collaboration events are also possible, such as guest lectures and workshop or hackathon-style events, either at Luuppi's own premises or at another venue of your choice.

Christmas Parties

Like many other subject associations, Luuppi doesn't have annual celebrations. Instead, our alternative event is the Christmas party, which attracts over 200 participants annually. For this event, we offer visibility, short speeches, or, on a case-by-case basis, discuss with the sponsor how they would like to be represented at this event for our members.

As a sponsor, you'll get your company logo in the program booklet, and you can set up stands for visibility. Sponsors also get a short speaking slot and a thank-you during the program. Major sponsors are considered for longer program slots on a case-by-case basis.

Recruitment Sauna

Luuppi organizes a recruitment sauna for its members and companies towards the end of the year. What's a recruitment sauna, you ask? The idea is that eager students get to hear about the recruitment needs of our partner companies. The event usually hosts around 6-8 companies and, depending on the sauna's size, accommodates 50-70 Luuppi members. We've aimed to keep the threshold low for both companies and participants, as our team takes care of all the arrangements, and participants only need to show up.

The idea behind the sauna is that there's an initial formal part where companies are asked questions, and students get a quick idea of each company's recruitment needs. After that, participants break into smaller groups by company, where students get a better understanding of the company's operations. After the formal part, there's food, drinks, and of course, sauna.

The price for the entire event for companies is only 550€. Secure your spot early while they last!


What would students be without overalls! Luuppi has a long tradition regarding student overalls, and their color is dark grey. Sponsor logos printed in white stand out well on the grey overalls, and the association's logo adorns the back.

We offer the opportunity to purchase overall ads as part of a collaboration agreement throughout the year or separately in the fall if there are still spots available. Ad prices vary depending on the location and size, and prices are decided annually. For more precise locations and prices, contact Luuppi's overall coordinators. The best spots are usually taken in the fall, so be sure to act early!

Overall ad spots & price list

  • Large ad 1200€
  • Medium and side pockets 750€
  • Small and back pocket 550€

Deadline and material delivery

The deadline for overall ads is usually in early September, with the exact date typically known in August. By the deadline, the company has paid for the ad and preferably provided the logo in one of the following file formats: .eps, .pdf, or .png. If the company doesn't have a suitable logo ready, we're happy to assist with logo editing.

Did you have any questions?

If you want to collaborate with Luuppi, please contact us via email!