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Organization rules

Content updated: 7/19/2024, 11:49 PM

1§ Name and Domicile

The name of the association is Luuppi ry. In these rules, it is subsequently referred to as "the association". The domicile of the association is Tampere. The official language of the association is Finnish.

2§ Purpose and Activities

The purpose of the association is to act as an advocacy organization for students of mathematics, statistics, computer science, and interactive technology at Tampere University, to promote and support the study of these fields at Tampere University, and to enhance the general conditions for employment in the aforementioned fields.

To achieve its purpose, the association organizes meetings, lectures, discussions, and excursions, provides study advice, recommends student members to the university's administrative bodies, and aims to maintain good relations with the staff of the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University. Additionally, the association may engage in research, information, publication, and recreational activities.

To support its activities, the association can accept grants, donations, and bequests, acquire movable and immovable property necessary for its activities, mediate and sell study and hobby materials such as study tools, textbooks, and overall patches, organize entertaining events, fundraising and lotteries with the proper licenses, and engage in economic activities as per section 5 of the Associations Act to fulfill its purpose, but cannot generate financial benefit or profit for its participating members.

3§ Membership

A regular member can be any student of the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University with study rights in one of the following Master of Arts (MA) programs:

  • Mathematics and Statistical Data Analysis
  • Computer Science

Membership can also be applied for by individuals who have completed at least 20 credit points in one of the aforementioned MA programs at Tampere University. Membership applications are approved by the association's board. Membership is acquired by paying the association's membership fee.

A supporting member of the association can be a private individual showing particular interest in mathematics, statistics, or computer science, or a legal entity or foundation wishing to support the association's objectives, as approved by the board's decision. Supporting members have no voting rights in the association's meetings and cannot be elected to the board or hold trust positions.

The association may invite as an honorary member a person who has significantly contributed to the association's activities. A proposal for honorary membership can be made by a regular member of the association. Approval requires a unanimous decision by the board. An honorary member has voting rights in the association's meetings.

4§ Member Obligations

Regular members pay a membership fee either as a one-time payment (lifetime membership fee) or an annual fee (annual membership fee). Supporting members pay an annual membership fee. Honorary members do not pay a membership fee.

Regular and supporting members are required to provide an annual address notification between September 1st and November 30th.

5§ Decision-making Authority

The decision-making authority of the association is exercised by the association's meeting and the executive authority by the association's board.

6§ Association Meetings

The association's meetings include the annual meeting, financial meeting, and extraordinary meetings. The association convenes for the annual meeting between November 1st and December 14th and for the financial meeting between January 11th and April 30th. Meetings are convened by the association's board.

7§ Annual and Financial Meetings

At the annual meeting, the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and other board members are elected for the following term. The annual meeting approves the budget and action plan for the next term. Additionally, two auditors and their personal deputies are elected, and the size of the annual and lifetime membership fees is determined.

The financial meeting discusses the previous term's activity report, financial statements, and the auditors' statement, confirms the financial statements, and addresses the granting of discharge from liability to the accountable parties. Material for the audit must be submitted to the auditors 30 days before the financial meeting.

8§ Fiscal and Operational Year

The association's fiscal and operational year runs from January 1st to December 31st.

9§ Extraordinary Meetings

The association convenes an extraordinary meeting if the board deems it necessary or if one-tenth (1/10) or at least thirty (30) voting members of the association request it in writing for a specified purpose. The meeting must then be convened within fourteen (14) days of the request being submitted to the board.

10§ Convening Association Meetings

The notice for an association meeting must be published at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting on the association's notice board or by sending the notice by email to the address provided by the member.

If the meeting addresses the dissolution of the association, a vote of no confidence against the board or a member thereof, amendment of the rules, dismissal of the board or a member thereof, or completion of the board, transfer or mortgage of real estate, or significant transfer of other assets, this must be mentioned in the meeting's agenda

However, the association's meeting cannot be convened or held between June 1st and August 25th or between December 15th and January 10th.

11§ Decision-making Procedure

Every regular and honorary member of the association has voting rights at the association's meeting. Each eligible voter has one vote. Proxy voting is not allowed.

The opinion supported by a simple majority of the votes cast becomes the decision, except when addressing the dissolution of the association or amendment of the rules, which require a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast, or when addressing the dismissal of the board or a board member, which requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast, or when addressing the election of the board, for which the method defined in the relevant clause is used. In case of a tie in a vote other than an election, the chairperson's vote is decisive. In a tied election, the decision is made by drawing lots.

When counting the votes, those who did not vote because they did not attend the meeting, chose not to vote, or whose ballots were blank or rejected are not considered.

12§ Minutes

Minutes of decisions must be kept at the association's and the board's meetings, signed by the meeting's chairperson and secretary. The association's meeting minutes are verified by inspectors elected at the meeting, and the board's meeting minutes are verified by the board itself.

13§ Composition and Election of the Board

The association's board consists of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and three to seven (3-7) other members, who are elected in a personal election. Board members must be regular members of the association. The board members are elected at the annual meeting as follows:

  1. Elect the chairperson
  2. Elect the treasurer
  3. Elect the vice-chairperson
  4. Elect the secretary
  5. Elect other board members

In the election, each eligible voter can vote for as many candidates as there are board positions to fill.

A board member can resign during the term by notifying the board in writing or at an association meeting. The resignation of a board member takes effect immediately upon notification. A new member can be elected at the association's meeting for the remaining term if a board member resigns. The meeting notice must mention this.

14§ Board's Responsibilities

The board's responsibility is to lead the association's activities and manage its finances and assets. The board prepares issues to be discussed at the association's meetings and implements the decisions made there. The board is responsible for drafting a proposal for the activity report, financial statement, action plan, and budget. The board is accountable for its activities to the association's meeting.

15§ Board Meetings

The board meeting is convened by the chairperson or, if they are unable to attend, by the vice-chairperson. The board meeting is quorate if at least half of the board members, including the chairperson or the vice-chairperson if the chairperson is absent, are present. In a tie vote at a board meeting, the chairperson's vote is decisive, except in personal elections, where a tie is broken by drawing lots.

16§ Committees and Officials

The board appoints committees for designated tasks and may hire or appoint officials for the association.

17§ Member Resignation

A member may resign from the association by notifying the board or its chairperson in writing or by announcing it in the minutes of the association's meeting. Upon resignation, the member must pay any dues owed to the association and return any property belonging to the association.

18§ Member Expulsion

The board can expel a member who has caused damage to the association or neglected their obligation to provide address notifications or pay membership dues. A member is considered to have resigned if they neglect to pay their membership dues for one year. Before making a decision, the concerned member must be given an opportunity to explain themselves, except when expulsion is due to non-payment of dues. An expelled member can appeal the decision to the association's meeting with a written complaint submitted to the board within thirty (30) days of the board's decision being communicated. The association meeting's decision is final. An expelled member must return any property belonging to the association.

19§ Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary actions can be taken against an association member if their conduct within or outside the association significantly harms the association, seriously or repeatedly violates the association's accepted principles of a safer space in its activities, or breaches the association's rules or regulations as provided for by the association's rules. The decision to impose disciplinary actions is made by the association's board. Disciplinary actions can include warnings, denial of member services for a set period, and bans from the association's premises and events.

20§ Signing the Association's Name

The association's name can be signed by the chairperson or vice-chairperson, either of whom must sign together with the board's secretary or the association's treasurer.

21§ Regulations

The association has a tradition regulation governing its traditions.

The association has a disciplinary regulation defining how the board can use disciplinary measures by decision.

The association has an equality plan and principles of a safer space to promote equality in its activities.

Amendments to these are decided by the association's meeting by a simple majority.

22§ Dissolution of the Association

In the event of the association's dissolution, its assets are to be donated to the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University for the acquisition of software and equipment intended for its students.

23§ Other Provisions

Acquired membership rights are retained.

In other respects, the activities shall comply with the provisions of the current Associations Act.
