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Content updated: 7/26/2024, 5:28 PM


Luuppi ry, established in 1969, is the subject organization for students of mathematics, statistics, and computer sciences at the University of Tampere. Our membership is part of the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC). Luuppi is the largest subject organization at the University of Tampere, with over 1000 members, and each year we welcome about 200 new students. Membership is open to all University of Tampere students who study mathematics, statistics, or computer sciences as their main subject, or who have completed at least 20 credit points in these subjects. Our organization also offers the possibility to become a lifetime member.


The administration of Luuppi ry is handled by the members' meeting and the board. At the annual general meeting, the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer, and other board members are elected. The meeting also approves the budget and action plan for the coming term. In addition, two auditors and their deputies are elected.

The board members generally are responsible for one or more specific areas of responsibility. At the beginning of their term, the board appoints officers as needed for these areas of responsibility and forms teams specific to each area. Each team generally consists of one board member and one or more officers. The duties of the officers are usually more limited and focused on a specific area of responsibility.

Why Join Luuppi?

Luuppi offers its members both fun with fellow students and advocacy in university administration bodies. Members can acquire Luupi's signature grey overalls, participate in our events such as parties, board game events, and sauna evenings, and enjoy weekly sports sessions. Corporate excursions open doors to the working world. Members receive information about events, job opportunities, and news through Luupi's Telegram, Instagram, and email channels. If a student encounters problems with the university administration, Luuppi can assist in advocacy.

Luuppi also has its own facility, Pii-club, located right next to the central campus. At Pii-club, members can relax, study together, or enjoy coffee service. We organize several events throughout the year at Pii-club. The club has a sauna, which is almost always heated up during our events, providing a great opportunity for relaxation and experiencing community.

How to Join Luuppi?

Membership can be obtained by paying the membership fee at the Pii-club office from Monday to Thursday between 12:00 and 15:00. The membership fee is 20€ per year or 30€ for lifetime membership. Lifetime members are required to update their address information annually in our member register on our website. New students are introduced to Luupi's activities during the orientation week.
