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Jesse Piekiäinen | Editor of LuuppiSanomat9/1/2024, 1:32 PM

Interview: Tähtiluuppilainen Santeri Virtanen

Content updated: 9/1/2024, 1:32 PM

Tähtiluuppilainen Santeri Virtanen

What on earth is a Tähtiluuppilainen?

Tähtiluuppilainen is a feature series in LuuppiSanomat ("The Luuppi News"), where we get to know a member of Luuppi who is honored with the title of Tähtiluuppilainen ("Star Luuppian"). The series has been published since at least 2010.

The Tähtiluuppilainen introduces themselves by answering a set of questions and has the privilege of choosing the next interviewee, who will become the next Tähtiluuppilainen. The last two questions are selected by the previous Tähtiluuppilainen, as each Tähtiluuppilainen creates two new questions. With each round, the first two questions are removed, so the questions keep evolving.

This time we interviewed Santeri Virtanen who was challenged by previous Tähtiluuppilainen, Joonas Toimela. The interview was made in finnish and has been translated into english by the editorial team of LuuppiSanomat.

Who are you?

I’m Santeri Virtanen. I started my journey in Luuppi in 2017 with studies in mathematics, and my graduation can be coded as follows: [Graduation = CurrentYear + 1]. I go to the gym from time to time. I am also currently involved in the activities of the vocational club Pullonkaula [vocational club of the Industrial Engineering at the University of Tampere]. You can usually find me in the club rooms in the basement of the Main Building.

Which mythical creature would you like to encounter and why?

The beast that a certain luuppian tried to get rid of in the restroom by hugging the toilet at an event. From the sound of it, it was quite a mythical creature, used to scare the freshmen.

If a drink were named after you, what would it be made of and how would it be prepared?

Captain Morgan Black Spiced (2cl) and Green Monster (2cl) in a shot glass. First, you taste the captain's seafaring, and then the green sea monster rises from the waves.

What is your passion?

Age of Empires 2 – almost 25 years with the game.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done during your time at Luuppi?

Damn if I could remember.

What is your favorite treat?

Gambina pastry – you can ask the people from Oulu about this delicacy.

Where would you like to travel next and why?

Probably to Japan. It seems extremely interesting from the perspective of urban planning and public transportation design.

If you could learn anything in a day, what would it be?

Swedish would be the best for graduation. Sacrifices must be made; otherwise, I would have chosen flying.

How much can you bench?

Twenty euros.

Who would you like to challenge to be the next Tähtiluuppilainen and why?

Aki Nuutinen. Wherever Aki is, there’s a party – no student event is a party without Aki.
