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The world's shittiest sitsis

Content updated: 9/24/2024, 4:43 PM

Monday, Sep 30 - 05:39 PM-10:00 PM

Pii-Klubi (Yliopistonkatu 58b)


Welcome to worlds shittiest sitsis! Here you get to experience the curses of old. All the the things that have gone wrong previously, what you have given feedback of, or at least felt like giving. We have gotten the feedback, and will use it in out advantage.

The theme of the sitsis is Monday. Like theme calls, nothing will go as planned in here. Blandest foods, awkwardest table games. You name it, we have it!

After everything said, we aim for this to be a warm-spirited event where everyone will have fun.

Due to the idea and nature of this event, we wish that this event would not be participated by people who are at the start of their academical journey.

Sign-up starts on Tuesday 24.9. at 13.33 and ends on Thursday 26.9. at 23.59

The price of the sitsis is 5€/person

Note that the sitsis will be organized in Finnish. If you don’t speak Finnish, you are still welcome to attend but bring a friend to translate for you and ask for them to sit near you in seating requests.

Due to this event's nature as aimed towards older students, some of the songs in this event can be songs that you don't typically hear in today's sitsis. Choices will ultimately be done by the Toastmasters discretion.


The event will follow Luuppi's Equality and Safer Space principles, which can be found here in Finnish. In the case of harassment, contact the event's main organizer or Luuppi's equality representative.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Telegram @Jonneyy
