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LAN party

Content updated: 9/29/2024, 2:36 PM

Fri, 9/27, 02:00 PM - Sun, 9/29, 06:00 PM



It's time for the biannual LANparty @ Pii-Klubi! This time graciously sponsored by Red Bull and TEK!

Join us for gaming, tournaments, sauna and all sorts of other fun! Pii-Klubi provides some fridge space for your food, a microwave, some traditional LAN food and warm drinks. Members can also purchase goods and merch from Luuppi’s office.

PC reservation is 10€ and we have 35 open spots. Registration begins on Friday 13th of September. The event will be open for visitors on Saturday from 12 pm to 8 pm.

Lan party van available for transporting devices on Friday and Sunday between 3 pm and 8 pm!
Please leave your contact info in your registration if you need help transporting devices.
Note that we only take lan van reservations until Wednesday 25th of September.

Join the following channels for communication during the LAN party:

LAN party info channel (Telegram)

Luuppi Discord channel (Ask any organizer to grant you the LAN party -role)

Schedule, changes likely:


14:00 The doors open

16:00 Kill all lights, Clone Hero tournament begins

18:00 Shy Guy Surfing tournament begins

19:00 - 21:00 Puyo Tetris tournament

22:00 - 0:00 GeoGuessr tournament


13:00 - 15:00 Video Game Trivia Quiz

15:00 - 17:00 Towerfall tournament

16:00 - 20:00 Sauna (open for visitors)

  • 16:00-17:00 Mixed (w/bathing suits)
  • 17:00-18:00 Men's sauna
  • 18:00-19:00 Women's sauna
  • 19:00-20:00 Mixed (w/o bathing suits)

20:00 - 22:00 Pokémon Showdown! tournament


2:00 - 4:00 Mystery tournament

15:00 Clone Hero and Shy Guy Surfing tournaments end

16:00 Lights come back on

18:00 LAN party ends :-(

What to bring with you:

  • PC, monitor, peripherals and accessories.
  • Please download any games beforehand, as the bandwidth is limited.
  • Extension cord - One power plug slot per reservation
  • At least 5 m of Ethernet cable. One port per reservation
  • Please leave your speakers and kitchen appliances home. Use of headphones or other non-distracting devices encouraged.
  • Toiletries and sleeping equipment if needed. Sleeping at home is probably more comfortable.

The event follows Luuppi's equality plan and the safer space principles.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the main organizer:

Sara Baba

Telegram: @sarqq

