Content updated: 1/25/2025, 3:14 PM
Sat, 3/8, 06:35 PM - Sun, 3/9, 04:00 PM
Deripaatti is returning once again to the Tallink Victoria I cruise ship on March 8-9, 2025. The SFMO is organizing the cruise as a 22-hour spectacle from Helsinki to Tallinn, just like last year. The evening will culminate with the amazing Arttu Wiskari taking the stage at the Starlight Nightclub. There will be an opportunity to shop in Estonia on Sunday from 8:00 to 12:00.
The infos will be updated in the website.
Accommodation on the ship will be in B-standard cabins for 4 people. One place in a cabin costs 34€ and everyone buys their own ticket. Cabins will be formed from your wishes. Meals can be purchased separately according to the following table:
Dinner from 18:00 onwards, €41.50
Breakfast from 7:15 onwards, €19.50
Lunch from 14:15 onwards, €30.50
You have to first buy cabin ticket and then you can buy the meals you want from separate events.
Mar 2025
Place in cabin for one
34.00 €