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Welcome to Luuppi

Content updated: 7/26/2024, 5:27 PM

New student

Luuppi ry is one of the oldest and largest subject associations at the University of Tampere. We represent students studying mathematics, statistical data analysis, and computer science. Although we study at the Hervanta campus, we graduate as Masters of Philosophy, so we are not engineering students and therefore do not receive the engineering student cap or baptism.

Luuppi's main task is to monitor and promote the interests of our fields within our university community. By organizing various events such as company meetings, sports activities, excursions, and social events like board game nights, computer game events, sauna evenings, and student parties, we offer our members the opportunity to meet like-minded students and make contacts in the working world. When you start your studies at the University of Tampere, you also have the opportunity to join us!

In the fall, we organize tutoring for new students, called "fuksit," as well as various events where you can meet both new and older students in your field. The purpose of tutoring is to help you get started with your studies by familiarizing you with university practices and study methods while networking and making new friendships. Luuppi has its own clubhouse, Pii-Klubi, located right next to the downtown campus at Yliopistonkatu 58b. Pii-Klubi also houses our office, which serves as a gathering place for our members. Our office is a great place to find help with difficult exercises or simply relax between lectures with console games and free coffee and tea during opening hours. Unfortunately, we do not yet have our own subject association space at our home campus in Hervanta.

Feel free to get actively involved in our activities, and you'll get to know your fellow "fuksit" and older students. We promise you won't regret it! If you have any questions about Luuppi ry, fall schedules, or studying in general, feel free to contact us! Luuppi primarily uses the Telegram messaging app for communication, and we highly recommend downloading this app so you can easily stay up to date when fall arrives!

Telegram-group for new students

Telegram-group for 2024 new international students

Tutor representative contact information

If you have any questions about starting your studies, you can contact the tutor representatives or send an email to the address below!

Iidalotta Heikka (Telegram: @attoladii)

Osmo Laukkanen (Telegram: @osmolaukkanen)

Salla Rouhiainen (Telegram: @salsupalsu)

Freja Tuurala (Telegram: @frejaadele)

Anything to ask?

Do you have any questions about starting your studies? Send us an email, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!