1 min read
In this news article, we introduce the position of Editor-in-Chief of LuuppiSanomat in Finnish, for which we have extended the application period. We are currently looking for a person proficient in Finnish.
Luuppi ry is the student organization for mathematics, statistical data analysis, and computer science students at the University of Tampere. Since 1969, Luuppi has been actively advocating for its members' interests and organizing leisure activities. It boasts the largest membership among student organizations at the University of Tampere!
Check out what's happening
3/25/2025, 4:00 PM
Study group
Do you need peer support when studying? Are you in need of a rubber duck to talk to or do you study more efficiently with other people? You can come ask for advice, study together, or just enjoy the learning atmosphere. Our encouraging instructors will be present throughout the study group sessions, and you can ask them (or other study group attendees) for help with exercises or topics you're having trouble with. Please remember that our voluntary study group instructors do not replace course teaching assistants, so in more challenging cases, don't forget to use course resources.
3/25/2025, 6:00 PM
Board game night
Welcome to Luuppi's board game night! The event is open and free to all members, and Luuppi will provide snacks on site. You are welcome and encouraged to bring your own games in addition to those of Luuppi. The event will follow Luuppi's Equal Opportunities Policy and Safe Space Policy, which can be found https://www.luuppi.fi/yhdistys/dokumentit . In the event of a disturbance, please contact the main event organiser or the Luuppi Equality Officer. Any questions? Send a message to the organizer: Jesse Kallio, https://t.me/rkallio , mailto:tapahtuma@luuppi.fi
3/27/2025, 6:00 PM
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EVENT WILL BE HELD IN FINNISH! It's time to dig out your cleats, the well-worn playing cards from past parties, old Nintendo cartridges, and of cource, the songbook - because Gamesitsis are here! The price for these sitsis is 14 €, which includes drinks, food, and an overall badge. Dress code is according to the theme. Are you not a member of Luuppi? Register with https://forms.gle/MY5KR6nowKrPHt3n9 The event follows Luuppi’s equality plan and safer space principles, which can be found https://luuppi.fi/en/organization/documents in Finnish. If you have any questions about the event, please contact the event organizer: Roosa Nurminen tapahtuma@luuppi.fi tg: @roosalotta
3/28/2025, 6:00 PM
Luuppi yoga
Luuppi is going to Yin Yoga together at Atalpa's group exercise hall! All you need to bring are comfortable clothes. Mats and other props will be available on site. You don't need to have paid SportUni's sports fee, but be in contact with the organiser in that case. Alumni students can also attend the event. Yin yoga is a passive and meditative practice that helps to calm the body and mind and recover from physical exertion, stress, and busyness. In Yin yoga, you stay in each position/asana for 1-5 minutes, and props such as yoga blocks are used to achieve a good posture. The class is suitable for anyone who wants to improve body mobility and increase tranquility and inner peace. The event will follow Luuppi's Equality and Safer Space principles, which can be found https://luuppi.fi/fi/organization/documents in Finnish. Questions? Jesse answers: Jesse Kallio, https://t.me/rkallio , mailto:liikunta@luuppi.fi
Check out what's going on
1 min read
In this news article, we introduce the position of Editor-in-Chief of LuuppiSanomat in Finnish, for which we have extended the application period. We are currently looking for a person proficient in Finnish.
2 min read
The recruitment period is January 20 - February 3. The application can be found on TREY's website trey.fi/tutoring.
4 min read
The latest iteration of the cornucopia of unhinged education policy content
6 min read
Would you like to be involved in influencing and participating in Luuppi's activities? The application process for staff and division positions opens on December 20st 2024 at 12:00 PM and runs until January 12nd 2025 11:59 PM. Luuppi's board will select the staff and divisions during a board meeting on January 14th 2025 starting at 5:00 PM. Applicants are encouraged to attend this meeting.
In the academic world, Telegram is a widely used communication channel, and Luupi has its own groups! Join us to stay updated on events and other current affairs.
We are proud to work with these companies. If you are interested in collaboration don't hesitate to contact us!